What is a Customer Champion?
The role of the Customer Champion has to be more than acting as a conduit for the customer. They have to ensure that change is meaningful, impactful, and long term. If the role is simply to develop some customer focused messages around the organization such as placing notices above the door reading “think of yourself as a customer”, or printing on pay slips “only the customer can make this happen”, it is not enough. Touches like these have a role to play as part of an overall strategy, but without the strategy being embedded in the company, they quickly become just background noise that don’t give the required outcome of an organization of customer-focused employees working towards improving the customer experience and increasing customer loyalty. They have to be Customer Service winners – genuinely customer-focused employees focused on and empowered to improve the customer experience at every stage. “Think of yourself as a customer” is the only the starting point of successful implementation.
The importance of the Customer Champion or Consumer Champion as the voice of the customer
For many years there has been an acceptance of the need for top management to provide support for any customer focus strategy in order for it to be successfully implemented. There has however been less recognition for there to be a Customer / Consumer Champion, or team of Customer / Consumer Champions, to ensure that senior management commit to results in an enterprise-wide action plan. The Customer Champion not only has to act as the Voice of the Customer within the company, but has to have authority to work across the organisation, to ensure that the Customer’s Voice is not only listened to, but understood and acted upon. In short, they must have the power to bring the concept of “think of yourself as a customer” alive.
Our definition of a Customer Champion
All of these characteristics have been present in successful teams that we have been involved with. However, the balance between them will obviously vary between companies and across markets, but a combination of the above should ensure an increased chance that a company is likely to deliver its promise of improved customer service, a better customer experience and improved customer loyalty.
In conclusion, as companies increasingly state a desire to be customer focused, the customer is increasingly being asked to provide feedback. The company that will get the best customer feedback is the one that is seen by the customer as listening, acting upon it, and this is demonstrated most clearly by communicating back. Essentially it is being seen as valuing the customer’s input, showing a genuine interest in the customer experience and using that knowledge to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty – the vital role of the Customer Champion.
The combination of these factors will lead to an improved customer experience which will build customer loyalty, which in turn will deliver improved commercial performance, which ultimately was the goal of a customer focused strategy.
The Good News is that our Business Consulting Team is well versed in the art of Customer Championship, so you don't have to sweat. Get in touch with us for a quick review of your Business free of cost.
Hey! You don't have to trust our word. See what our existing customers have to say about us!!
Excellent communicator to all levels both internally and externally
Ensuring both the company and individuals understand the customer feedback and what is being done to improve their experience.
Improves the transfer of best practice knowledge.
Maintains a continuous focus on the customer and the customer experience
Greater understanding will lead to greater ownership and more effective solutions, ultimately leading to a better customer experience and greater customer loyalty
Customers want to see what action took place following their investment in time to provide feedback to the company. The perception that no action took place could be seen as worse than if the questions had never been asked
Creative / Innovative problem solving including
identifying additional sources of customer feedback
Essential when trying to understand the data and to develop creative solutions as well as “quick wins”. This will ensure staff remain motivated and see the problems as solvable.
Maximises the value of all available data
Increases the probability of an effective solution to improve the customer experience and increased customer loyalty
Supports each team to deliver, particularly when there's a lack of “quick wins”
Results and therefore improvements will be delivered faster
Attention to detail
Maximises the value of the data by identifying the nuggets, and ensures that the corrective actions developed will actually deliver what the customer needs
Reduces the need to have to deliver the same message several times
Strong organisational and interpretation skills.
Facilitates cross functional working in order to provide effective solutions
Supports the company in being focused on the customer journey and not internal functions leading to faster resolution
Understand and develop processes
Links customer data to both process metrics and KPIs thereby supporting effective management
With corporate KPIs aligned with customer needs a much greater partnership will be formed.
Team player, but also a leader (Champion)
Drives necessary changes through and ensures everyone’s role is clear, effective and rewarding
Results and therefore improvements will be delivered faster
Good negotiator – functions may have already developed internal metrics that need amending.
Ensures all metrics are customer focused and linked. Allowing “management by fact”
Results and therefore improvements will be delivered faster
Flexible and willing to learn
Brings new approaches to enhance the programme and provides the ability to benchmark against others
Constantly raises the standard of customer service and the customer experience, leading to increased customer loyalty
Benefits to Company
Benefits to Customer
Gurmeet Tagore
Founder - Laritzy Cosmetics
" I would like to…express my appreciation along with the entire Laritzy staff, for your expertise and guidance in our effort to achieve an efficient and productive customer championship department. TSR's commitment in helping us achieve our goal for brand credibility is professional and effective. Highly recommend their services If you want to improve your customer services by leaps and bounds.
Thank You!!"
Emily David
Founder - Estate Cosmetics
"The biggest reason we engaged The Super Rookies Consulting was their knowledge and their expertise in frontline support strategies. They're excellent in designing, implementing and sustaining efficient standard operating procedures that have helped us rectify our past mistakes as well. Can't thank them enough
Best Regards"